Funded Research
2023 Successful Research Teams

Allison Cammer
The Cognitive Kitchen: A Culinary Nutrition Intervention to Support Community-Dwelling Caregivers of Persons with Dementia

Dana Olstad
The Impact of a Basic Income on Dietary Inequities in Canada: An Agent-Based Model

Jennifer Brady
Perceptions and Experiences of Racism among Dietetic Educators and Regulators in Canada
2022 Successful Research Teams

Carla Prado and Katherine Ford, University of Alberta
Nutrition Knowledge as a Determinant of Food Choices in Individuals with Newly Diagnosed Cancer

Claire Tugault-Lafleur and Jess Haines, University of Ottawa
Better Lunch Boxes: Testing the Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Impact of a Family-Based Intervention to Support Nutritious Home-PackedLunches

Jessica Wegener, Liesel Carlsson, and Tracy Everitt, Ryerson University, Acadia University, St. Francis Xavier University
Sustainability in Dietetics Education, Training & Practice in Canada
2021 Successful Research Teams

Jean-Philippe Drouin-Chartier, Universite Laval, Quebec City, Quebec
Plant-based Dietary Patterns and Coronary Artery Calcification in Adults with Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Shannan Melissa Grant and Philip Joy, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Exploring Registered Dietitians’ Perception, Knowledge of, and Experience with Implementation of Weight-Related Evidence within the Nutrition Care Process

Andrea Buchholz and Anisha Mahajan, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
Examining Longitudinal Associations Between Dietary Sugar and Anthropometric Measures among Young Children in the Guelph Family Health Study

Ahmed El-Sohemy and Matineh Rastegar Panah, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Association Between Nutrition, Biomarkers and Genetics on Male Fertility

Kevan Jacobson and Jessica Pirnak, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
Development of a Self-Management App for Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Sophie Desroches, Universite Laval, Quebec City, Quebec
Informing Evidence-Based Practice in Nutritional Genomics: an Educational Needs Assessment of Dietitians and Development of an Evidence Summary Prototype
Publications of CFDR-Funded Research
Vitamin B12 Is Associated with Higher Serum Testosterone Concentrations and Improved Androgenic Profiles Among Men with Infertility.
Rastegar Panah, M., Jarvi, K., Lo, K., & El-Sohemy, A. (2024). The Journal of Nutrition, 154(9), 2680–2687.
Biomarkers of Iron Are Associated with Anterior-Pituitary-Produced Reproductive Hormones in Men with Infertility.
Rastegar Panah, M., Jarvi, K., Lo, K., & El-Sohemy, A. (2024). Nutrients, 16(2), 290-.
Vitamin D, Folate, Vitamin B12, and Iron Status in Pregnant/Postpartum Old Order Anabaptist Women in Southwestern Ontario.
Simpson, J. A. R., Miller, N., Hartwig, T., Leach, J., Purdy, M., Roth, E., Siu, V. M., Soulliere, C., Tam, J., & Watt, A. (2024). Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 85(3), 149–156.
Vitamin D Status of Anabaptist Children in Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Simpson, J. A. R., Miller, N., Hartwig, T., Leach, J., Purdy, M., Roth, E., Siu, V. M., Soulliere, C., Tam, J., & Watt, A. (2023). Amish Studies, 11(2), 161-174.
Experiences and Perceived Outcomes of Low-Income Adults During and After Participating in the British Columbia Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study
Caron-Roy, S., Lee, Y.Y., Sayed, S.A., Lashewicz, B., Milaney, K., Dunn, S., O’Hara, H., Leblanc, P., Prowse, R.J.L., Fournier, B., Raine, K.D., Elliott, C., & Olstad, D.L. (2022). J Acad Nutr Diet, 28, S2212-2672(22)00172-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2022.03.016. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35358717.
Evaluation of Nutritional, Inflammatory, and Fatty Acid Status in Patients with Gastric and Colorectal Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy
Gabrielson, D.K., Brezden-Masley, C., Keith, M., Bazinet, R.P., Sykes, J., & Darling, P.B. (2021). Nutr Cancer, 73(3), 420-432. doi: 10.1080/01635581.2020.1756351. Epub 2020 Apr 28. PMID: 32340493.
The Impact of a Web-Based Mindfulness, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Platform on the Health Status of First-Year University Students: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Trottier, C.F., Lieffers, J.R.L., Johnson, S.T., Mota J.F., Gill, R.K., & Prado, C.M. (2021). JMIR Res Protoc, 10(3), e24534. doi: 10.2196/24534. PMID: 33688844; PMCID: PMC7991982
Appetite for change? Facilitators and barriers to nutrition guideline implementation in Canadian recreational facilities
Kirk, S.F.L., Olstad, D.L., McIsaac, J.D., Prowse, R.J.L., Caswell, S., Hanning, R., Raine, K.D., Mâsse, L.C., & Naylor, P.J. (2021). Health Promot Int, 36(6), 1672-1682. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daab017 PMID: 33615376.
A two-component pictured-based appetite assessment tool is capable of detecting appetite sensations in younger children: A pilot study
Triador, L., Colin-Ramirez, E., Mackenzie, M.L., Tomaszewski, E., Shah, K., Gulayets, H., Field, C.J., Mager, D.R., & Haqq, A.M. (2021). Nutr Res, 89, 45-55. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2021.02.001. Epub 2021 Mar 20. PMID: 33894660.
A Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Randomized Control Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Pure Prairie Living Program in Type 2 Diabetes Participants.
Archundia-Herrera, M.C., Subhan, F.B., Sakowsky, C., Watkins, K., & Chan, C.B. (2020). Healthcare (Basel), 8(2), 153. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8020153. PMID: 32503294; PMCID: PMC7349566.
Experiences with and Perception of a Web-Based Mindfulness, Nutrition, and Fitness Platform Reported by First-Year University Students: A Qualitative Study
Lieffers, J.R.L., Quintanilha, M., Trottier, C.F., Johnson, S.T., Mota, J.F., & Prado, C.M. (2021). J Acad Nutr Diet, 121(12), 2409-2418.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.04.019. Epub 2021 Jun 10. PMID: 34119458
Exploring Relationships of Sleep Duration with Eating and Physical Activity Behaviors among Canadian University Students.
Papaconstantinou, E., Quick, V., Vogel, E., Coffey, S., Miller, A., & Zitzelsberger, H. (2020). Clocks Sleep, 2(2), 194-207. doi: 10.3390/clockssleep2020016. PMID: 33089200; PMCID: PMC7445828.
Evaluation of Nutritional, Inflammatory, and Fatty Acid Status in Patients with Gastric and Colorectal Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy
Gabrielson, D.K., Brezden-Masley, C., Keith, M., Bazinet, R.P., Sykes, J., & Darling, P.B. (2021). Nutr Cancer, 73(3), 420-432. doi: 10.1080/01635581.2020.1756351. Epub 2020 Apr 28. PMID: 32340493.
Fruit and Vegetable Lesson Plan Pilot Intervention for Grade 5 Students from Southwestern Ontario.
Woodruff, S.J., Beckford, C., & Segave, S. (2020). Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(22), 8422. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17228422. PMID: 33203027; PMCID: PMC7697685
Ethnicity and immigration status as risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus, anemia and pregnancy outcomes among food insecure women attending the montreal diet dispensary program
Menard, V., Sotunde, O. F., & Weiler, H. A. (2020). Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 44, 139-145.e1. PMID: 31427254.
Evaluation of Glycemic Index Education in People Living with Type 2 Diabetes: Participant Satisfaction, Knowledge Uptake, and Application.
Grant, S.M, Glenn, A.J., Wolever, T.M.W., Josse, R.G., O’Connor, D.L., Thompson, A., Noseworthy, R.D., Seider, M., Sobie, M., Bhatti, G., Cavanagh, J., Jones, E., & Darling. P.B. (2020). Nutrients, 12(8), 2416. doi: 10.3390/nu12082416. PMID: 32806563; PMCID: PMC7469042.
Validity and Reproducibility of a Semi-Quantitative Food-Frequency Questionnaire Designed to Measure the Nutrient Intakes of Canadian South Asian Infants at 12 Months of Age
De Souza, R.J., Williams, N.C., Sockalingam, L., Wahi, G., Desai, D., Dehghan, M., Schulze, K.M., Gupta, M., & Anand, S.S. (2020). Can J Diet Pract Res, 81(4), 170-178. doi: 10.3148/cjdpr-2020-011. Epub 2020 Jun 4.PMID: 32495634.
Relationships between weight change and physical and psychological distress in early-stage breast cancer survivors
Vance, V., Mourtzakis, M., & Hanning, R. (2019). Cancer Nursing, 42, E43-E50. PMID: 29847347.
The family mealtime observation study (famos): exploring the role of family functioning in the association between mothers’ and fathers’ food parenting practices and children’s nutrition risk
Walton, K., Haycraft, E., Jewell, K., Breen, A., Randall Simpson, J., & Haines, J. (2019). Nutrients, 11. PMID: 30875873.
Users, uses, and effects of social media in dietetic practice: scoping review of the quantitative and qualitative evidence.
Dumas, A. A., Lapointe, A., & Desroches, S. (2018). Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20, e55. PMID: 29463487
Healthy eating and active living for diabetes-glycemic index (heald-gi): protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Avedzi, H. M., Storey, K., Johnson, J. A., & Johnson, S. T. (2019). JMIR Research Protocols, 8, e11707. PMID: 30839283
Experiences and perceptions of adults accessing publicly available nutrition behavior-change mobile apps for weight management
Lieffers, J.R.L., Arocha, J.F., Grindrod, K., & Hanning, R.M. (2018). Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, 118(2):229-239.e3 PMID: 28625662
Prenatal nutrition in team-based care: current practices and opportunities for optimization of care
Town, M., Smoliak, O., Brauer, P., & Forbes, L. (2019). Can J Diet Pract Res, 80, 96-103. PMID: 30724090.
The Impact of Additives on the Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sodium Content of Commonly Consumed Meat, Poultry, and Fish Products Among Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
Parpia, A. S., L’Abbé, M., Goldstein, M., Arcand, J., Magnuson, B., & Darling, P. B. (2018). Journal of Renal Nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation, 28(2), 83–90. PMID: 29146137.
Accuracy of two Generic Prediction Equations and One Population-Specific Equation for Resting Energy Expenditure in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
Andersen, R.E., Sweet, S.N., Reid, R.E.R., Sydney, F., & Plourde, H. (2018). Can J Diet Pract Res, 79(4), 164-169. doi:10.3148/cjdpr-2018-021, 10.3148/cjdpr-2018-021 PMID: 3. 0014708.
Caffeine, genetic variation and anaerobic performance in male athletes: a randomized controlled trial.
Sicova, M., Guest, N. S., Tyrrell, P. N., El-Sohemy, A. (2021). European Journal of Applied Physiology, 121, 3499-3513. PMID: 34529114.