CFDR Funded Research

Insights into Food & Nutrition

CFDR is a community changing the face of Canadian health by funding and advancing the dietetic profession.

Woman Cooking in Kitchen

CFDR supports innovative research projects in Nutrition and Dietetics to enhance dietetic practice, and ultimately, to improve the nutritional health  of all Canadians.

$3 Million

Invested in Nutrition and Dietetics Research


Peer Reviewed Publications of CFDR Supported Research Since 2011


Research Teams Supported

Researchers Tell Their Stories

people sitting together smiling and handing papers

Christine Nash MSc, RD

Principal Investigator of CFDR-funded Studies:

  • Examination of dietary intakes and blood concentrations of folate, vitamins B6 and B12
  • Association with nutritional status (SGA) and dialysis modality in 70 patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing various types of dialysis

Christine states: “I wouldn’t have been able to do my research without CFDR. I wanted to complete a research-based Masters through U of T and I needed funding to accomplish this. I wouldn’t have been able to do my research as robustly, and to do gold standard lab work which made up the majority of my budget. It would not have had the same impact without the funding.”
“CFDR supported the growth and development of my research skills, and I feel that I can tackle and contribute to other research projects. I believe that this kind of funding is a gap in our profession.”

people sitting together smiling and handing papers
people sitting together smiling and handing papers

Thea Demmers MSc, RD 

Sylvia Santosa PhD, RD

Co-Investigators of CFDR-funded Study:

  • Examines the role of nutrition in muscle function of bariatric surgery patients
Thea states:

“The CFDR grant supports much of the work needed for research studies such as performing measurements for data collection via blood draws, lab work, obtaining supplies, conducting DXA scans, transcribing focus groups, and compensating participants’ time and travel….Being a part of this project allows for continued learning, generation of new knowledge and ways to support people after a challenging surgery and life-altering change.” “This is the passion of every dietitian; I am thankful to be a part of efforts like this.”

Sylvia States:

“The CFDR grant allowed me to enter the clinical stream of research. This is an important stream of research as there is very limited evidence for nutrition recommendations in bariatric surgery.

This research will allow me to directly contribute to the development of nutrition guidelines for the growing number of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in Canada.

We desperately need some evidence to determine how changes in diet may impact the functionality of these individuals in the short term and potentially in the long term as well…. It’s critical to have grants targeted specifically towards answering clinical practice questions.

This type of grant allows a broader number of dietetic practice-based research questions to be answered. It grows our field and provides the evidence we need to practice within dietetics.”

Current CFDR
Funded Research

2023 Successful Research Teams

Allison Cammer

The Cognitive Kitchen: A Culinary Nutrition Intervention to Support Community-Dwelling Caregivers of Persons with Dementia

Dana Olstad

The Impact of a Basic Income on Dietary Inequities in Canada: An Agent-Based Model

Jennifer Brady

Perceptions and Experiences of Racism among Dietetic Educators and Regulators in Canada

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