Research Showcase Abstracts

Explore abstracts from CFDR’s annual research showcase at the DC Conference.

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Updating the Client Perceptions of Nutrition Counselling (CPNC) Instrument
This project was to assess whether the Client Perceptions of Nutrition Counselling instrument (1994) remained relevant for nutrition counselling practice with the view to republishing the instrument. The CPNC instrument was developed as an evaluation method to gather client feedback about consultation with a dietitian, their perceptions of the effect(s) resulting from nutrition counselling including any diet changes, and to reveal unanticipated outcomes. The intent was that use of the CPNP would generate information to be used in decision- making about development or refinement of nutrition education programs from practitioner and management perspectives.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
Objectives were, through consultation with a panel of dietitians with expertise in clinical nutrition and service delivery decisions, to determine whether the instrument continued to be a relevant for dietetic research and practice, to assess content validity, and to articulate any modifications (considering that the instrument was developed before the digital era).
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
A facilitated discussion with the panel was to review the usefulness of the instrument in practice, and if relevant, to articulate revisions while retaining validity and reliability.
The panel agreed that the instrument remained relevant to decision-making about practice. Revision suggestions were for using the instrument on digital platforms, and to add items to gather client suggestions for enhancing nutrition counselling.
Revisions to the CPNC instrument retain validity and reliability and ensure its ongoing relevance.
Significance to Dietetics
Documenting and using client perceptions of nutrition counselling outcomes yield research findings that support decision-making in practice and advocacy for nutrition counselling services.

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