Research Showcase Abstracts

Explore abstracts from CFDR’s annual research showcase at the DC Conference.

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Evaluating the usefulness of YouTube videos to teach the public about cooking with pulses
Pulses like lentils, chickpeas, beans, and peas are not commonly prepared and eaten by consumers even though they can help improve serum blood glucose, reduce blood pressure, and decrease body fat. Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan started a YouTube channel and website (EPIC Health) to upload videos about preparing pulses.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
The objective of our research was to assess if YouTube tutorials from the EPIC Health website showing pulse preparation are useful resources for health care professionals and the general public.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
An online survey was distributed through the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition website at the University of Saskatchewan. The survey determined how useful the pulse videos are as a teaching tool.
A total of 171 health professionals and members of the public responded to the same survey questions after watching EPIC Health YouTube tutorials about preparing pulses. Of the respondents, 91.7% (n=111/122) agreed that the videos are a helpful tool for learning about cooking pulses. The videos were reported to be easily understood by 97.5% (n=119/122) of the respondents. Of the health care professionals survey, 100% (n=45/45) of them agreed that the information was provided in a clear way. Of the respondents, 79.5% (n=97/122) agreed that because of the videos, they feel more confident in cooking with pulses.
Our findings show that YouTube videos are effective tools to teach the public about preparing pulses. Participant responses indicate that EPIC Health YouTube videos are well-liked by both health professionals and the general public. The health professionals offered wider perspectives to improve the videos, such as improving accessibility with subtitles and featuring more diverse hosts.
Significance to Dietetics
Health professionals, such as Registered Dietitians, can use the YouTube videos to help their clients learn about preparing pulses in order to make dietary choices that reduce their risk of diseases and health complications.

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