Research Showcase Abstracts

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Yukon Hospitals- Serving Traditional Foods Together with Community Partners Poster
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
To interview patients and partners involved or impacted by Yukon Hospitals Traditional Food Program (TFP) and use their stories to create art in the form of a character poster. The purpose of the poster is to highlight key partners and sample resources required for a TFP and foster curiosity, pride and reconciliation among Yukoners and other Canadians. A web-based poster with resource links is now available to the public for education purposes at:
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
Informal interviews were completed during the fall of 2018 with Conservation Officer Services, Environmental Health Services, outfitters, resident hunters, local butcher, and Yukon Hospitals First Nations Health Programs, Food Services and patients. Questions focused on the role of traditional food in their personal and/or professional role. Informal notes and photos were gathered and were given to a local artist to interpret the stories through a commissioned art piece.
The poster was finalized in December 2018. Overall, project participants shared common beliefs about Yukon Hospitals Traditional Food program including: Shared understanding that Traditional Food is important and is part of First Nations culture Shared respect for wild game, hunting, harvesting, processing, producing and serving traditional food The residents of the Yukon appear to have fostered a strong culture centered on the value of traditional food its important in many aspects of Yukoners lives from feeding patients to sustaining wild life for hunting.
Significance to Dietetics
Healthcare facilities who serve indigenous populations have an obligation to remove barriers to health, healing and culture. Using art can be an effective tool to facilitate reconciliation and foster pride between patients and community partners.
Funded by
Yukon Hospitals

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