Research Showcase Abstracts
Explore abstracts from CFDR’s annual research showcase at the DC Conference.

Energy and nutrient intake among university students enrolled in an Introductory nutrition course
Health related behaviors acquired by students while in university have a strong impact on their future health. Thus, this study investigates the dietary intakes of university students enrolled at University of Manitoba.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
1) To estimate the nutrient intake among university students and evaluate the nutrient adequacy using Probability approach and EAR cut- point method. 2) To determine the numbers of servings from four food groups and establish the levels of adherence to Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide recommendations. 3) To estimate the energy requirements and compare with energy intake.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
This cross-sectional study obtained data from the self-reported 3-day food log with a sample size of 108 individuals (67 females and 41 males). The data was entered into the Food Focus software to calculate the individual nutrient intakes. Subjects younger than 19 years of age, participants with incomplete 3-day food log and pregnant women were excluded. Identifying information was removed from dietary data by St. Boniface Hospital Ethic office before use. This study was performed in an anonymized manner.
When compared to current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) values, both males and females had inadequate intake of calcium, vitamin E and fiber. About 79% males and 38% females had sodium intake above the Tolerable Upper Level (UL). Moreover, usual intakes were more favorable for carbohydrate, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, vitamin C and zinc for all participants. In this study, females reported being more active than males; however, overall the significance of gender differences for physical activity were modest.
This study shows prevalence of inadequate nutrient intake by both male and female, of calcium and vitamin E. Furthermore, dietary fiber intakes were below the Adequate Intake (AI) and sodium intake was above the UL. Nutritional interventions program should be developed to promote healthy eating habits among young adults.