Research Showcase Abstracts

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Description of Sodium Intake among Patients in a Kidney Care Outpatient Clinic
Reducing sodium intake is a key management strategy in delaying progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The St. Paul’s Hospital Kidney Care Clinic (KCC) in Vancouver uses the validated Scored Sodium Questionnaire-Screening Form (SSQ-SF) to identify high and low sodium consumers. The KCC population’s sodium intake has not been previously investigated.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
To describe the sample’s sodium intake using SSQ-SF scores, the consumption frequency of SSQ-SF food categories, and how consumption patterns may vary with age and sex.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
A retrospective chart review was performed for all SSQ-SFs completed between July-November 2017. Descriptive statistics for the sample and sodium intake were generated.
Seventy-six SSQ-SFs were reviewed with a mean score of 52.5±17 and median score 50.5 (a score of ≥50 corresponds to a sodium intake ≥2300 mg/day). Fifty-three percent of the sample was classified as high sodium consumers. Males had a higher mean score (55.3±17.3) compared to females (48.4±15.9). Age groups 61-70 years and 71-83 years had higher mean scores (56.0±15 and 56.1±17.6), than those of age groups 29-40 years (47.3±16.6), 41-50 years (46.1±20.3), and 51-60 years (46.3±14.9). Bread (26%), salt added during cooking (23%) and processed meat (19%) were the greatest contributors to SSQ-SF scores among high sodium
High sodium intake is prevalent in this population, and varies with age and sex. Males and older patients showed the highest average sodium consumption. Description of this sample will help KCC dietitians improve and expand strategies for low sodium education.
Significance to Dietetics
To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to describe sodium consumption of a Canadian CKD patient population. The SSQ-SF is a quick and useful tool that KCCs may use to describe the sodium intake patterns of their patients.

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