Research Showcase Abstracts

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Vancouver Food Asset Map helps users find food easily
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
To provide a tool to share food assets that is current, easy to use and easily updated that will help to build community capacity and support for community members dealing with food security.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
Vancouver Public Health Dietitians applied technology and a collective impact approach to create a Vancouver Food Asset Map using the My Map tool from Google. The
project started in 2014 by gathering Vancouver community partners interested in food security, collectively establishing goals and deciding on assets that would be included and the definitions for each of the assets. The project is continuing to evolve based on community feedback. Results are communicated electronically and through in person meetings.

Systematic approach used: University of BC students, community members and partners are helping to update, revise, communicate, evaluate and continuously improve the map. The Map includes almost 800 food assets and over 300 schools and community organizations. Over 200 community members have provided feedback to help improve the Map. Evaluation results show that 64% did not know how to find food assets in their community before using the Map, 86% found it easy to use and 78% said they would use it in the future. Since the launch of the Map at the end of September 2016, there have been over 6,400 views. Vancouver Public Health Dietitians are sharing their knowledge and resources to help other communities in British Columbia to create similar maps. As a result, North and West Vancouver, Bowen Island, Squamish and the Sunshine Coast are starting to create similar food asset maps. More information can be found at
The My Map tool from Google provides an easy way to share current information on a variety of topics with communities. The Vancouver Food Asset Map has made it easier to utilize community food assets strategically by using evaluation results for discussions with community partners.

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