Research Showcase Abstracts

Explore abstracts from CFDR’s annual research showcase at the DC Conference.

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Addressing malnutrition at Vancouver Acute
Malnutrition in the hospital setting leads to negative patient outcomes, extended length of stay, and increased costs to the healthcare system. To address malnutrition at VA [Vancouver General Hospital (VGH), UBC Hospital (UBCH), and GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre (GFS)], we undertook projects and strategies over the last several years. Starting in 2012, VGH medical units participated in the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF) Nutrition Care in Canadian Hospitals study (NCCH). We presented site results and recommendations to the VA Patient Safety and Quality Council. In 2013, the CMTF presented to the organization on the prevalence and impact of malnutrition with data from the NCCH. In 2014, we collaborated with Patient Quality, Food Services, and nursing to implement a protected meal time (PMT) program on one VGH medical unit. The PMT program later expanded to GFS. We successfully advocated to include the Canadian Nutrition Screening Tool (CNST) into the VA Nursing Admission Assessment form and into the health authority electronic health record. Other strategies utilized were dietitian education with malnutrition webinars, research projects on malnutrition risk using the CNST, dietitian led malnutrition awareness presentations, nutrition myth buster posters, and the formation of a dietitian malnutrition awareness working group.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
To address and raise awareness of malnutrition amongst the healthcare team at Vancouver Acute (VA).
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
We utilized institution and CMTF resources to complete projects over time.
Addressing and raising awareness of malnutrition at VA has been an ongoing process.

Recommendations: Our plan is to continue our projects and strategies to bring awareness to malnutrition and to advocate for dietitian services.
Significance to Dietetics
Dietitians in the hospital setting are well positioned to address malnutrition. When done in manageable projects over time and in collaboration with others, progress can be effectively realized.

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