Research Showcase Abstracts

Explore abstracts from CFDR’s annual research showcase at the DC Conference.

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Family Mealtime Observation Study (FaMOS)
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
To address the limitations of existing research through a cross-sectional study that will examine the associations between observed parental feeding practices and nutrition risk among preschoolers aged 3-5 years in a sample of 75 Canadian families
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
• Recruitment
– Facebook, GFHS, OEYC

• Eligibility
– At least one child between 2-5 years
– Ability to understand and speak English during meals
– Individual who primarily fed child was able to participate
• FaMOS has been found to be feasible and acceptable among parents of preschool-aged children

• The development of family-based interventions currently involves a lot of guess work because there is no clear understanding of how parental feeding practices influence children’s dietary intake

• FaMOS includes both mothers and fathers for a more complete picture of family meals

• Findings from FaMOS will help develop ‘best practices’ for feeding young children

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