Research Showcase Abstracts

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Names, Organizational Affiliations, and Locations of all Authors (2022 and Later)
R. Krieger1, S. Hou1, M. Uppal1, M. Wyatt2, L. Dietrich3, J. Randall Simpson1, P.Brauer; 1University of Guelph, 2London, ON, 3Haliburtion, ON
Dietitians of Canada Involvement in Promotion of the Profession since 1993
Over the past 30 years Dietitians of Canada (DC), the national professional association, has made great strides in promoting the profession through advocacy. However, no comprehensive documentation of DC advocacy has been compiled since 1993.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
To create an updated history of advocacy of the dietetic profession by DC as a written article and as an interactive timeline.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
A literature review was conducted to create a draft timeline of important events over the past 30 years. Interviews were conducted with 12 current or former dietitians with significant DC advocacy involvement. Interview transcriptions and recordings were used to revise the timeline.
Interviews largely concentrated on advocacy at the national level. Advocacy efforts described focused on three main areas: 1) establishing dietitians as experts in diverse areas of nutrition (e.g., infant nutrition, school nutrition, food security, sustainability, women’s health, mental health, long-term care); 2) upholding professional standards (e.g., Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice); and 3) advocating for the importance of dietitians in healthcare and improving accessibility to services (e.g., Primary Healthcare Action Group). Many interviewees also discussed provincial-level initiatives, focused mainly in Ontario. Interviewees also addressed future challenges for DC including decreasing membership, lack of trust in professionals, a need for increased diversity and more internship opportunities.
Since 1993, DC has continuously promoted the profession. Many national advocacy efforts were clarified; however, future work on provincial advocacy efforts is needed. Potential challenges for the continued organizational success of DC were also highlighted.
Significance to Dietetics
This project captures advocacy events in which DC and its members have participated since 1993. Suggestions (e.g., opportunities for member engagement, more diversity within the organization, advocacy for more internship placements) were provided on how to address potential challenges for DC as an organization to ensure continued success.
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