Research Showcase Abstracts

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Early Bird
Names, Organizational Affiliations, and Locations of all Authors (2022 and Later)
O. Fournier¹, H. Zhang¹, J. Chang¹, M. Wyatt², L. Dietrich³, P. Brauer¹, J. Randall Simpson¹

¹Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, ²London, ON, ³Haliburton, ON
Creating an Interactive Timeline in the History of Food Service Dietetics in Canada
Dietitians working in food services are responsible for managing quality nutrition services, projects, and programs at various institutions. There have been drastic changes in the profession of dietetics, including food services, since the last historical report was produced in 1993.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
This study aims to report dietitians’ experiences of systemic changes, and develop a timeline of events that have contributed to the evolution of food service dietetics on a national scale.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
A literature review was conducted, with data from peer reviewed articles and grey literature used to develop a draft timeline. Key informant dietitians were interviewed online, using a semi-structured format. Interview transcripts were coded, and content analyzed thematically to populate the final timeline and report on key changes in food service dietetics.
Key informant interviews identified six main themes: (1) changes in outsourcing food services, e.g., to contract companies, centralized facilities; (2) evolution of resources and technology, e.g., computerized ordering software, food production equipment; (3) expanding scope of responsibilities, e.g., food service directors managing support services, involvement in hospital administration committees; (4) advocating for dietitians’ roles in food services, e.g., fair compensation, roles in leadership and management; (5) changes in peer support, e.g., networking online, interactions with other departments; (6) advocating for increased budgets e.g., meeting rising food costs, providing quality meals to hospital inpatients. The main challenges for the future include adequate budgeting support in food service departments within institutions, access and use of resources and technology, and decline of food service peer networks.
Since 1993, food service dietetics have been impacted by systemic changes in expanding the responsibilities of practitioners, advancing technology, and outsourcing food services in varying degrees across Canada.
Significance to Dietetics
The ensuing article and timeline will provide a historical update and provide guidance in future opportunities in food service dietetics.
Funded by
University of Guelph (in-kind)

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