Research Showcase Abstracts

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Experience Sharing
Early Bird
Names, Organizational Affiliations, and Locations of all Authors (2022 and Later)
M. Hendrickson1, H. Plourde1, S. Phillips1, M. Damian2, K. Ellis3, G. Jaramillo3
1School of Human Nutrition, McGill University, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
2Ingram School of Nursing, McGill University, Montreal, QC
3Nursing Program, CEGEP John Abbott, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Develop Subjective Global Assessment Practice Session for Dietetics Students
Learning to assess for malnutrition is essential for dietetics training and practice, considering with the Hospital Standards Organization’s (CAN/HSO 5066:2021) Malnutrition Prevention, Detection and Treatment Standard1. The Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (INPAC)2 provides structure for nutrition care and Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) implementation. Students benefit from diverse teaching methods to develop communication, critical thinking, and physical exam skills, so a simulated event for pre-internship training was created for SGA practice using standardized patients (SPs) to prepare for real patient contact. Partnership with Nursing Educators provided guidance and resources to successfully create the curriculum.

Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
In 2022, a small survey was completed with internship students indicating a lack of confidence to conduct nutrition focused physical exams. McGill Dietetics Program requested mentoring from McGill’s Ingram School of Nursing (ISoN) and CEGEP John Abbott’s Nursing Program (JANP) on how to effectively develop physical exam simulated learning, hire SPs, and set up the event. This collaboration led to an ongoing interdisciplinary partnership.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
Pre- internship curriculum was reviewed, and gaps were identified following restructuring during COVID-19 restrictions. Consultations with ISoN and JANP simulation experts were completed. One scenario was written with key indicators for malnutrition risk assessment and used for all hired SPs. JANP provided patient ward simulation space and consultation. Students received a classroom training on INPAC and practiced the SGA with peers. A week later 60 students working in pairs completed the SGA through a 15-minute simulation with an SP. The simulation was immediately followed by a 5 minute debrief using an SGA checklist for feedback done by an evaluator and 2 peers. All pairs observed a second scenario and provided peer feedback using the SGA checklist. Students appreciated the practice session.
Dietetics programs benefit from interdisciplinary in-person collaboration on simulated learning approaches, especially after the pandemic. Practice simulation sessions on malnutrition assessment enhance physical exam, critical thinking and communication skill development for students.
Encourage collaboration between disciplines to enhance hands-on training to recognize malnutrition and better prepare dietetics students for clinical practice settings.
Significance to Dietetics
Partnership between nursing and dietetics serves as an innovative teaching model that enhances student learning and access to simulated learning spaces.
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