Research Showcase Abstracts

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Names, Organizational Affiliations, and Locations of all Authors (2022 and Later)
A. Donovan1, S. Robinson1, A. Hurley2
1Northern Ontario Dietetic Internship Program, Northern Ontario School of Medicine University, Sudbury, ON
2City of Lakes Family Health Team, Sudbury, ON
Characteristics of older adults with malnutrition risk at hospital discharge then readmission within 90 days
Increased malnutrition risk in older adults is related to increased hospital length of stay (LOS), hospital readmission, poorer clinical outcomes, and increased healthcare expenses.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
Identify shared characteristics of community-dwelling older adults (65 years and older) recently discharged from hospital who screened at risk for malnutrition and were readmitted within 90 days.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
A retrospective chart review was conducted between January 2019 and December 2022 on older adults rostered to City of Lakes Family Health Team (FHT) who had screened at risk on the Canadian Nutrition Screening Tool (CNST©) following a hospital discharge and were readmitted to hospital within 90 days. Age, sex, body mass index (BMI), number of daily medications, admission reason, days between discharge and readmission (DBDR), if they had a geriatric assessment, and if they had seen a registered dietitian (RD) were collected. Data were recorded in Excel© then analyzed using simple descriptive statistics.
Twenty-two patients met the inclusion criteria. Mean age, BMI, and DBDR were 80 years, 27 kg/m2, and 29 days respectively. Most patients (86%) had >10 medications, 32% had a geriatric assessment, 68% were referred to RD, and 50% saw an RD. Predominant reasons for hospital admission were gastrointestinal (GI) and weakness/falls.
At City of Lakes FHT, age, polypharmacy, and recent admission for GI concerns or weakness/falls may be characteristics shared by community-dwelling older adults recently discharged from hospital who screened at risk for malnutrition and were readmitted within 90 days. The small sample size limits further conclusions and generalizability.
Significance to Dietetics
When community-dwelling older adults recently discharged from hospital screen at risk for malnutrition, age, polypharmacy and/or recent admission for GI concerns or weakness/falls are characteristics that can be considered when prioritizing RD referrals since they may predict risk of hospital readmission.
Funded by
Dr. Janet McElhaney Dietetic Learners Research Award

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