Research Showcase Abstracts

Explore abstracts from CFDR’s annual research showcase at the DC Conference.

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Names, Organizational Affiliations, and Locations of all Authors (2022 and Later)
K. Schoff1,2, A. Schmeiser1,2, C. Birkenshaw1,2, M. Richmond2, R. Nasser2., K. MacDonald3, D.Halbgewachs2.
1University of Saskatchewan Nutrition Integrated Program, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Regina, SK
2Nutrition and Food Services, Pasqua Hospital, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Regina, SK
3 3D-Accountable Care Unit, Pasqua Hospital, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Regina, SK
Acute Pancreatitis Nutrition Care Practices on ACUs at Pasqua Hospital – Pre and Post-Survey
Acute pancreatitis commonly results in admission to hospital medicine units. New guidelines have been emerging for best-practice nutrition care treatments.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
The purpose of this study is to determine whether targeted education on current nutrition guidelines for acute pancreatitis will change physician perceptions related to acute pancreatitis on the Accountable Care Units (ACUs) at the Pasqua Hospital.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
A prospective pre and post-electronic survey was developed and distributed to hospitalists before and after a 30-minute education session on current nutrition guidelines for acute pancreatitis.
Twenty participants completed the pre-survey and 11 completed the post-survey. The pre-survey responses indicated that the most common diet order prescribed for an individual admitted with acute pancreatitis is clear fluids (65%; n= 13/20) followed by NPO (25%; n=5/20). The average pre-survey confidence rating in recommending nutrition therapy for acute pancreatitis was 5.3 (range 3-9), which increased to 7.9 after education (range 5-10). The average pre-survey confidence rating in managing acute pancreatitis was 6.9 (range 5-8), which increased to 8.1 (range 5-10) after education. The post-survey indicated that ten participants were agreeable to applying their learning (91%; n=10/11), while one participant was not (9%; n=1/11). The majority of respondents plan to initiate DAT for patients admitted with acute pancreatitis (64%; n=7 /11) followed by a full fluid diet (25%; n=3/11).
The education session on acute pancreatitis changed hospitalists’ perceptions about nutrition care practices. The findings confirm that targeted education could be beneficial to support physicians in changing their practice, particularly during times of changes in acute pancreatitis nutrition guidelines.
Significance to Dietetics
Dietitians participating in nutrition-related acute pancreatitis education for hospitalists physicians helps improve nutrition care which may in turn help to improve patient outcomes. Further research should be conducted to establish protocols and correlations between adherence to recommendations and patient outcomes.
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