Research Showcase Abstracts

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Late Breaking
Names, Organizational Affiliations, and Locations of all Authors (2022 and Later)
M. Bilyk1, R. Fontaine1, T. McInnes1, M. Wahl1, E. Kang2, S. Stroeder2
1College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
2Nutrition and Food Services, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon, SK
Perceptions of the Current Food Service Delivery Model at Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital (Part I: Prior to Room Service Implementation)
Hospital malnutrition negatively affects patient outcomes and increases healthcare costs. Room service food delivery models have shown significant improvement in satisfaction, food intake and waste; resulting in decreased patient length of stay (LoS). This study investigated metrics on quality of traditional patient foodservices at maternity and pediatric units at Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital (JPCH) in Saskatoon.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
Determine patient satisfaction, food intake, waste, and LoS with the traditional food delivery system at JPCH.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
Patient satisfaction surveys were gathered between February 3 and March 7, 2023. General food intake and waste were visually measured daily for all three meals from February 17-23, 2023. Diet order history and LoS were documented for inpatients to compare LoS with duration of patients on solid food diet orders.
Most maternity patients (68%, n=15/22) were satisfied with meal quality, however, only 29% (n=5/17) of pediatric patients were satisfied. Meal timing was satisfactory to 68% (n=15/22) of maternity patients, but 45% (n=10/22) felt not enough food was served. Of the pediatric participants, 65% (n=11/17) expressed feeling ‘hungry’ or ‘really hungry’ at mealtimes. More than half the food was wasted on 32% of trays (n=481/1502). Maternity (91%, n=144/158) and pediatric (49%, n=49/100) patients on solids for ≥50% of LoS had shorter stays (3 and 5 days respectively) compared to those on solids for <50% of LoS (4 and 11 days respectively).
Maternity patients are more satisfied with the quality of meals than pediatric patients. A lower food intake by pediatric patients may be associated with low menu satisfaction and extended LoS. Transitioning to a room service model could increase patient satisfaction and intake, while decreasing food waste and LoS.
Significance to Dietetics
Advocating for provision of a meal service model that caters to the needs of patients to improve satisfaction and intake has potential to improve patient health outcomes.

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