Research Showcase Abstracts

Explore abstracts from CFDR’s annual research showcase at the DC Conference.

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Late Breaking
Names, Organizational Affiliations, and Locations of all Authors (2022 and Later)
B. Fiola-Johnson1, J. Cann1, L. Elder1, A. Morrissette2, M. Richmond2, R. Nasser2
1College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; 2Saskatchewan Health Authority, Regina, Saskatchewan
Falls in hospital and malnutrition
Patient falls in hospital can result in serious consequences. Poor nutrition status may contribute to an increased risk of falling. Up to 1 in 2 patients admitted to hospital are malnourished.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between malnutrition, poor intake, and falls within the Pasqua hospital.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
A retrospective chart review was conducted of patients who had fallen on 3 medicine units at the Pasqua Hospital in 2022. A data collection tool was developed to review the following variables: age, sex, weight history prior to admittance, diagnosis, medical history, Subjective Global Assessment(SGA), number of medications taken, and food intake and diet order on day of fall and 3 days prior.
Sixty charts were reviewed. The average age of patients who had fallen in hospital was 74 years old. At admittance, 41% (n=25/60) of participants reported weight loss. The most common diagnoses were related to mobility (n=19/60). Twenty-four of 39 of participants had an SGA score of 5% (n=2/39) were rated SGA-C, 56% (n=22/39) SGA-B. Of the patients, 58 out 60 patients were on 3 or more medications with an average of 10 medications. Average intake over 3 days was 72% and average intake on the day of patients’ falls was 66%. The majority were (n=35/60) were receiving a diet as tolerated on the day of their fall and 3 days prior.
The results of this study suggest that patients who fell were eating more than 50% before and on the day of the fall, although a majority were malnourished.
Significance to Dietetics
This study highlights that patients who fell were malnourished. Registered Dietitians should continue to advocate for proper nutrition in the community and hospital.
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