Research Showcase Abstracts

Explore abstracts from CFDR’s annual research showcase at the DC Conference.

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Improving nutrient density of food offerings in long-term care
To identify 10 savory and 10 sweet nutrient-dense recipes appropriate for use in Long Term Care (LTC) focusing on plant-based proteins.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
Protein goals were a minimum of 20g/serving and 5g/serving for main dishes and sides/desserts respectively. Recipes were to be costed/serving and texture-modified according to Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) level 4 (minced) and 5 (pureed) consistency.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
Recipe search was conducted using two resources (Cooking with pulses, 2017; Bean toolkit for older adults, 2018). Five main entrees, five sides, and 10 desserts were selected. Nutrient analysis of each recipe was completed using Sysco Synergy on Demand® (SSD®) software. Four sweet recipes did not meet the protein goal (2.33-4.44g/serving). Therefore, ingredients were hypothetically substituted/added (e.g., Greek yogurt, beans/lentils, skim milk powder, chickpea flour, and eggs). Second round nutrient analysis was then performed and showed increases to 5.21-5.84g protein/serving for these products. Costing analysis was performed using Complete Purchasing Services®; recipes ranged from $0.11-1.66/serving. Using IDDSI testing methods, all recipes were hypothetically texture-modified with added liquids (e.g. milk, broth, etc.) to meet level 4 and 5 consistency.
Systematic Approach Used: Recipes were identified through published resources, analyzed for nutrient content, and hypothetically texture modified using IDDSI. Common processes for recipe building and costing suited for LTC were completed using the adapted scaled recipes.
Plant-based recipes can provide adequate protein and fibre, meet IDDSI criteria, and be suitable and feasible for LTC settings.
Significance to Dietetics
Through menu revisions in LTC homes, dietitians can incorporate plant-based proteins and nutritionally enhance food items, while meeting IDDSI standards to ensure residents’ nutrition goals are safely and adequately met.

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