Research Showcase Abstracts

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A national and provincial update on Nutrition Care Process (NCP) implementation in Canada
The Nutrition Care Process (NCP) is a standardized approach for dietetic practice which has an accompanying terminology (NCPT) for documentation. NCP/NCPT implementation has been occurring in Canada for more than a decade.
Objective(s)/Process or Summary of Content
To obtain and analyze data regarding Canadian dietitians’ use of the NCP/NCPT nationally and by province/territory as well as facilitators, barriers, and attitudes regarding the NCP/NCPT.
Method(s)/Systemic Approach Used
Dietitians from across Canada were invited to complete an online survey in English or French on the NCP/NCPT from February/2017-April/2017 through multiple channels. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests.
There were n=500 eligible respondents; n=426 respondents worked in clinical practice and will be the focus of the remaining results. Overall, 87.9% and 77.5% of respondents reported always/frequently using aspects of the NCP and NCPT in their practice, respectively. There were significant variations in use by province (p<0.001); use was more frequent in Alberta and Manitoba vs. other provinces/territories. NCP usage was most commonly facilitated by peer support (73.5% of respondents), use required by workplace (61.2%), and management support (58.8%). Overall, 79.5% of respondents experienced ≥1 barrier to NCP/NCPT use; the most common barriers were lack of time (53.5% of respondents) and lack of training and education (37.2%). The prevalence of many facilitators and barriers varied by province (p<0.05); overall, Alberta and Manitoba respondents reported more facilitators and fewer barriers vs. respondents from other provinces/territories. Attitudes towards the NCP/NCPT were variable.
Overall, most dietitians in clinical practice areas reported NCP/NCPT use. There were variations in use, barriers, and facilitators by province. This study provides baseline information that identifies potential avenues to enhance uptake of the NCP/NCPT.
Significance to Dietetics
This information provides insight to develop strategies to promote and increase NCP/NCPT use in Canada.
Funded by
Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research as a special projects grant from Dietitians of Canada; University of Saskatchewan start-up funds

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