CFDR Funded Research Reporting Requirements
Researchers and Sponsors are encouraged to review the CFDR Grant Research Policy found at
Report 1
For a one-year grant project, report 1 is due six months after the receipt of the grant funds. For a two-year project, the report is due twelve months after the receipt of the grant funds. Refer to the funding letter for due dates.
This single electronic document must be submitted with the file name format: name of principal investigator(s), Project and Financial Report 1, year of competition. If possible, please scan documents together to create a single file.
1. Project Report
- A brief description (1/2 to 1 page) of work completed to date and of work required to complete the project
- Plans for presentation and/or publication
2. Research Grant Reporting Form
- The form must be signed by the principal investigator(s) and sponsoring institution’s designated financial officer. The form can be found at
- The accounting must be provided as per each line item as presented in the proposal budget
- An explanation for any expenditure deviating more than ten percent (10%) from the approved budget line items must be included, note that prior approval for such deviations must be obtained in writing from CFDR. Please note CFDR’s maximum allowable project budget of $1,000 for conference travel and/or dissemination of research results through on- line journals.
Report 2
Report 2 is the final report due within 4 months of project completion. CFDR will evaluate all reports for adherence to criteria. If all criteria are met, the ten percent (10%) holdback sum will be released to the Sponsor.
Final reports are due no later than 4 months after project completion. CFDR will evaluate all final reports for adherence to criteria. CFDR will determine if all criteria have been met before releasing the remaining ten percent (10%) of the award sum to the Sponsor.
This single electronic document must be submitted with the file name format: name of principal investigators(s), Final Project Report, year of competition. If possible, please scan documents together to create a single file.
1. Project report
The project report should have a maximum of five pages single-spaced or 10 pages double- spaced. A manuscript format suitable for submission to a peer-reviewed Journal is also acceptable.
The project report must contain the names and affiliations of all investigators, as well as students, who worked on the project. The report should incorporate the following sections:
- Title
- Specific and reflective of the research being reported, which may or may not be the same as a more generic title used in the grant application
- Introduction
- Relevant background and context of the research being reported, including an explanation of how the research fits into this background
- Objective(s)
- Purpose or aim(s) of the study as specific objective(s) that the research has directly addressed, i.e., the subsequent results section will be in answer to the objective(s) and the discussion section will refer back to the objective(s)
- Methodology
- Brief outline of the research method(s) employed, including both a general description, or statement of the area of the methodology and specific methods or tools employed.
- Additional detail or explanation is needed only on methodological points that are open to discussion, e.g., due to uncertainty in the established methodology, rationale for using the selected methodology over other possibilities,etc.
- Results
- Measured outcomes of the study in table or graph and/or bullet point format wherever possible, e.g., quantitative measures would be suitable as tables or graphs; qualitative measures would be suitable in bullet point format and/or a figure of key themes with explanations
- Discussion
- Discussion of results obtained, including contrasting and comparing to results from relevant studies in the literature and or past experience, addressing possible reasons for unexpected results and linking back to the objective(s) of the research
- The “Bottom Line”
- Brief discussion of the relevance of the research to dietetic practice and to the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research
- Title
2. Brief summary of factors that either facilitated or hindered completion of the project
3. Information on where the results of project are to be presented and/or published
4. Published articles and abstracts
5. Survey tools, summaries of data collectedetc.,
6. Final Abstract, which must also be posted to CFDR’s on-line research sharing portal
7. Signed Research Grant Reporting Form
CFDR encourages all researchers to share their results through presentations or publication. The research findings are the property of the investigators and the sponsoring agencies. Principal investigators are requested to make their findings available to individuals and groups which may benefit from the research, i.e., to publish in a peer-reviewed journal, such as Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, and to present at a meeting such as, DC Annual Conference, SNE, ADA, ASPEN, HFM, CFSEA, NAFEM.
CFDR must be acknowledged as a source of financial support. All publications should indicate that the opinions contained are those of the authors, and that no official endorsement by CFDR is intended or should be inferred. A copy of any publishing (published paper or a full publication reference) is to be sent to CFDR upon publication.
CFDR reserves the right to report on published accounts of CFDR funded projects in public communications.