Letter of Intent Submission Guide
For the CFDR 2023 Research Grant Competition
The first step in applying for a CFDR Research Grant is the submission of a Letter of Intent package. The documents can be submitted in English or French. The package must be submitted via the Letter of Intent Submission webform by 4:59PM [EST] November 7, 2022.
Please review the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research Grant Program Policy document at https://cfdr.ca/grants/ for important information on the program: investigator eligibility, areas of support, areas of non-support, grant process, investigator and sponsoring institution agreements, obligations and reporting requirements, CFDR’s funding process, and publications and rights. The submission of a Letter of Intent indicates agreement to the terms and conditions as outlined in the CFDR Research Grant Program Policy document.
These CFDR research grants are not intended to supplement other grants. However, CFDR will review a grant proposal that has been submitted concurrently to other potential granting/funding agencies. If successful, shared or joint funding may be undertaken at the discretion of the agencies concerned. If partial funding of a larger project is requested, the proposal must clearly state how CFDR funds will be used and how that piece of work will be a distinct project to be conducted within the timeframe for CFDR with results published separately. Investigators must inform the Foundation of any support requested and/or received from other funding bodies.
Letter of Intent Submission Confirmation Receipt
Applicants can expect to receive a confirmation of receipt by November 10, 2022. Applicants should contact the CFDR office by November 17, 2022, if they have not received the confirmation receipt.
CFDR is not responsible for any submission not received in its mailbox info@cfdr.ca.
Submission details
The submission package must contain the following 3 separate documents:
1. Abstract
- The text of the abstract including the title must not exceed 300 words.
- Content must include the title, hypothesis or research question, the objectives of the research, a brief discussion of the methodological approach and the value of the research to future dietetic practice.
- This one [1] page document must be submitted with the file name format:
- Name of principal investigator(s), LOI Abstract, year of competition
2. Letter of Intent
- The Letter of Intent must not exceed three [3] pages and text must be 12-point font and single spaced; pages must be formatted to have 1-inch margins at the top, bottom and sides.
- References (if applicable) must not exceed one [1] page.
- An additional 0.5 page may be added to address comments/suggestions on a previously submitted CFDR LOI or grant proposal.
I. For both qualitative and quantitative study designs, the Letter of Intent must include: | The Scientific Review Committee’s Assessment Criteria |
II. Title of project | |
III. Rationale for importance of project (10%) |
IV. Research project hypothesis/objectives (5%) |
V. Description of approach/methodology for project (50%) |
VI. Significance/relevance of project findings to dietetic practice (25%) |
VII. Time required to complete the project, including timelines for different phases of the project (5%) |
VIII. Budget projections (by year) including categories of expenses and amounts. Budget categories include: salary(ies); equipment; supplies and services; fieldwork travel; and, conference travel and dissemination (maximum $1000). (5%)
3. General Information Sheet
- The principal investigator (or co-principal investigator) must be a registered dietitian and
a member of Dietitians of Canada. This can be split between two investigators. - The general information sheet must list the full names and contact information of the principal investigator(s) and team members, their Canadian dietetics regulatory body registration numbers, and their DC membership numbers, the role of each member on the project, and the name and charitable registration number of the sponsoring institution.
- The principal investigator (or co-principal investigator) must be a registered dietitian and
The grant must be held at the institution of either the principal investigator or the co-principal
investigator. The investigator in whose name the grant is held must hold membership in a
Canadian dietetics regulatory body OR be a member of Dietitians of Canada.
Scientific Review Committee Feedback and Decision
The decisions of Scientific Review Committee will be available by December 16, 2022. Invited
proposals (Second step) are due March 2, 2023. The decisions of the Scientific Review
Committee are final.