Who We Are

We are a Community Changing the Face of Canadian health and Nutrition, and Advancing the Dietetic Profession.

2 women sitting opposite each other smiling and looking over a binder

As the authoritative research funding organization for food, nutrition and dietetics, the Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research is changing the face of Canadian health and advancing the dietetic profession. Our funding supports the development of quality advice and accessible resources that are based on credible scientific evidence, to help enhance the health of all Canadians. Over the past 30 years, we have invested over $2.8 Million in research undertaken by Canadian dietitians with over 159 projects completed or underway.

Join the Cause

Your Support is Vital in Helping us Fund Continued Research and Impact the Health of Canadians.

Our grants help support the research of dietitians within the context of their practices, and therefore uniquely position CFDR as a leading force for improving the nutritional health of this country.

man looking at a book in a library
father and son slicing strawberries in the kitchen

Research Funding with CFDR

Apply for Research Funding Opportunities

CFDR has been awarding grants to support practice-based research since 1993. To date, we have awarded more than $2 million in grants to 125 research teams across the country. Begin your dietetic research journey today! Apply for research funding and explore your opportunity to contribute to the advancement of nutrition in Canada with CFDR!

Female Dietitian Consulting Young Couple
Mom and daughter laughing in grocery store

Making Change Through Research

Why Is Diet and Nutrition Important In Our Lives?

Dietetic and nutritional research, allows us to improve the lives of those living with illness in our country, while simultaneously informing the food industry of consumer choices and dietary trends.  This crucial information will help improve their products and in turn, build a healthier Canada.


Vicky Drapeau, Ph.D., Dt.P, Associate Professor
Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Laval University

As a researcher in obesity treatment, I had the honour of receiving CFDR funding in 2015 for a project titled: Family Nutriathlon: a new strategy to promote healthy eating in families. The study will evaluate the efficacy of an innovative program aimed at promoting healthy eating in children and their parents. One important outcome of this project will be the elaboration of a new strategy that nutritionists could use in their practice related to childhood obesity. Moreover, as the principal investigator on this research project, this grant represents an important bridge in building my research career. For all that, I’m deeply grateful to CFDR for their support and trust.

Carla Prado, PhD, Director
Human Nutrition Research Unit University of Alberta

One of the foundations of our work as dietitians is to assess how many calories a person needs. In clinical practice we rely on the use of equations, which are often inaccurate, specially for adults with obesity. While sophisticated equipment exists, it is not often available as it is expensive and burdensome to operate. Funding from CFDR will allow us to test a new tool to estimate the energy needs of people with obesity. If proven accurate, this mobile and affordable technique may be useful and accessible in different clinical settings, and therefore essential to improve body weight and health of those with excess body weight.

Janis Randall Simpson, PhD, Professor Emeritus
University of Guelph

In 2015-16, our research team conducted a study to see if nutrition screening with the 17-item NutriSTEP® questionnaires for parents of toddlers and preschoolers makes a difference. After 3 months, parents had increased scores on questionnaires about nutrition knowledge and attitudes towards nutrition-related behaviours compared to parents who did not complete NutriSTEP®. We are very grateful to CFDR for this funding that enabled us to demonstrate that the NutriSTEP® program, mandated for use by public health in Ontario, serves as an effective parent-targeted assessment tool.

Nanci S. Guest, MSc, RD, CSCS PhD Candidate – Nutrigenomics and Athletic
Performance Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto

The CFDR funding I received not only provided me with the financial support that allowed me to answer important questions in my doctoral research, but it also made me feel very proud to be a dietitian. Dietitians who choose to pursue research can feel supported and appreciated with organizations like CFDR who enable us to investigate queries that are relevant, and impact our daily practice as nutrition professionals. CFDR creates opportunities that strengthen the bridge between research and practice, which helps all of us in this esteemed profession.